Monday, October 31, 2016


 Apple Inc. is an innovative company that manufactures the products with promoting styles, durability, effective features, and easy to handle. As I read the chapter 6, I learned the term that explains consumer decision-making process, consumer behavior.

Apple Inc. is a premium brand company, which is recognized in the world. Its new products like iphone 5C, 5S are sold on retail price in many developed countries. Apple Company has an advantage of the quality and brand’s name over its competitors. Apple Inc. is ranked as one of the top technological company not only in US but also all over the world. When it comes to purchasing the Apple products, consumers are driven by social factors, cultural factors, and individual factors. Even though the products are bit expensive but people still balance to purchase them. 

Particularly, when buying the expensive products consumers generally follow the consumer decision-making process. I recently, purchased a new and first cell-phone in my life. During that time period I figured that I followed all the aspects of the process.
  1. Need Recognition- To stay in touch with my family and for calling purposes.
  2. Information Search- iPhones are sold widely around the countries and same like with galaxy. To research which is more advanced and worth buying.
  3. Evaluation of alternatives and Purchase- Both of the cell-phones iPhones and galaxy are new-featured, sold at high prices but due to new software IOS 7 took advantage over the galaxy.
  4. Post-purchase behavior- iPhones always satisfies its consumers. Just like for me as a consumer I expected few outcomes from iPhone ,which it fulfilled. I wanted to have an option to text in my language other than ENGLISH. Where after my research I found out that galaxy doesn’t allow to text in certain language.

The external stimulus of the consumers like me comes from a wide range of factors such as the continuous innovation of the products. And to promote these productions, Apple advertise through all possible ways like from commercials, billboards, magazines, social media like Facebook, twitter, youtube and many more. This advertising performs as a factor to spread the word around before the product is even launched. This forces the consumers to make the decision to purchase the new product from Apple Inc.

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