Monday, November 28, 2016

Apple-Segmenting and Targeting Markets

          The market segmentation concept is crucial to market strategy.  Apple has targeted and marketed their products to consumers with a few certain characteristics. Apple doesn't  target markets in the same way many of their competitors (if any) do, because it targets people and focuses on users, more so then the target markets alone, who then decide how and where they will use Apple's products. This doesn't mean Apple are exempt or ignorant of the "laws" of marketing, but instead they use a unique form of marketing strategy called psychographic segmentation to appealing to all consumers no matter the age, race, income level, and/or demographic. 

I think that Apple is be bringing back the mass marketing approach, they don't really concentrate their advertisements on certain groups of people, they try to include everybody. You can see all the iPod ads posted on the page that are meant to resemble you, see if you can find a silhouette that fits you. Apple is becoming a cult brand that has gained to respect of world wide users who share one thing in common, their love for Apple's innovation. And I say that Apple is going back to mass marketing because when you go in to an Apple retailer you can see people of all ages, cultures, social classes, and colors; like a small scale ethnic melting pot. The iPod has become a symbol of our modern digital music culture, and the iTunes store is now the 2nd largest music retailer in the U.S. Steve Jobs says that "if you make something great than anybody will want to use it", and that model has worked for them because they've never really invented anything but they made what some considered the best technology available; thus eliminating the need for an specific target market, because their products appeal to everyone.

              Apple typically appeal to those who are middle to high class who do not mind spending a little extra cash for the best quality in the product being purchase and those who are in the profession of media and design. The use of Demographic Segmentation illustrate the concentration of Apple retail stores around the United States. New York and California are the main area where Apple position their retail stores. Apple targets those two area because they appeal to the lifestyles of those living at the locations. Our generations X and Y have been heavily expose to the internet using computers for a wide variety of reasons (research, Audio, etc). Apple offers unique and innovating computer device with great quality at and reasonably affordable price. Top of the line and innovating products is what most appeal to the youth and middle age residents of New York and California. Not to mention these States can be consider the most popular and profitable, where something of high value and quality can surely be purchase with little resistances. The segmentation strategy Apple applied in their market strategy prove to been beneficial and a success for the Superior Computer Company better known as Apple.

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