Saturday, December 3, 2016

Apple-Services and Nonprofit Organization Marketing

Apple is not only known for the products that are sold at the stores. However, a lot of people are aware of the services the company offers to every single consumer. When a person buys a products, the Specialist on the sales floor offers the service of extending the warranty on the devices the customer is buying. Meaning, consumers will have the ability to bring in their devices and have the technicians serve that particular device. The service has already been sold when the customer first purchased the device, but let say they did not get the extended warranty. So, in this particular case, the customer will have to pay for whatever repair the technicians have performed on the device. Any customer can come in and have the technicians inspect or check their device out, and they will not be charged, at all. What some people do not understand sometimes is that even though they have bought the service, they still have to pay a small fee or what it is known within Apple a deductible if the device has had a physical damage. Keep in mind though that this only applies to mobile devices including the iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and iPod. On the other hand, whenever a customer buys Mac with the extended warranty, they do not have to pay any deductible, whatsoever. The so-called extended warranty has also a more professional name, and it is known as AppleCare. AppleCare also has different categories; AppleCare+ for mobile devices, and AppleCare Protection Plan for Mac, Apple Thunderbolt Displays and AppleTV. 

Apple has also created a special team that helps business with their devices. This team has taken the name of the Business Team. They are trained to work with the companies enrolled with this team to find solutions and/or fulfill their needs. The business customers are not charged anything extra, at all and they all have the great opportunity to work with one specific Specialist throughout the time that they are enrolled with Apple. The Business Team also prepares special workshops in which companies are invited to learn more of the service that this Team offers. Business customers also have the opportunity to finance their new devices, especially when the companies want to update the products they used at their offices.  

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Apple-Developing and Managing Products

New product- product new to the world, the market, the producer, the seller, or some combination of these.

Apple has three different types of new products. New-to-the-world products, additions to existing product lines, and improvements or revisions of existing products.
Their new-to-the-world products would be the first generation iPod that Apple released back in 2001, the original iPhone that was released in 2007, the iPad that was released in 2010. All of these products were new-to-the-world products, the world did not have any of these products before their release date.
Additions to existing product lines would be the iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle, iPod Touch, iPod Mini, iPod Video, iPod Classic (the first iPod). These products are additions to the iPod line of Apple. iPhone, iPhone 2, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, and iPhone 5 are all additions to the iPhone line. Now all of the products that Apple has made are improvements or revisions of the previous product. They have all changed but still carry the same idea on all items.

When it comes to Apple, they do not have any prototypes. most of the time, if the item has a defect or glitch, the consumer gets a brand new device from Apple, glitch free. Many of Apple's new released products have glitches in them. They are revised quickly and the revised product will have its own release date.

The advertising for Apple is what sells the product to the consumer. The advertising pulls all consumers in and persuades the consumer to purchase their product. Apple advertises everywhere.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Apple-Segmenting and Targeting Markets

          The market segmentation concept is crucial to market strategy.  Apple has targeted and marketed their products to consumers with a few certain characteristics. Apple doesn't  target markets in the same way many of their competitors (if any) do, because it targets people and focuses on users, more so then the target markets alone, who then decide how and where they will use Apple's products. This doesn't mean Apple are exempt or ignorant of the "laws" of marketing, but instead they use a unique form of marketing strategy called psychographic segmentation to appealing to all consumers no matter the age, race, income level, and/or demographic. 

I think that Apple is be bringing back the mass marketing approach, they don't really concentrate their advertisements on certain groups of people, they try to include everybody. You can see all the iPod ads posted on the page that are meant to resemble you, see if you can find a silhouette that fits you. Apple is becoming a cult brand that has gained to respect of world wide users who share one thing in common, their love for Apple's innovation. And I say that Apple is going back to mass marketing because when you go in to an Apple retailer you can see people of all ages, cultures, social classes, and colors; like a small scale ethnic melting pot. The iPod has become a symbol of our modern digital music culture, and the iTunes store is now the 2nd largest music retailer in the U.S. Steve Jobs says that "if you make something great than anybody will want to use it", and that model has worked for them because they've never really invented anything but they made what some considered the best technology available; thus eliminating the need for an specific target market, because their products appeal to everyone.

              Apple typically appeal to those who are middle to high class who do not mind spending a little extra cash for the best quality in the product being purchase and those who are in the profession of media and design. The use of Demographic Segmentation illustrate the concentration of Apple retail stores around the United States. New York and California are the main area where Apple position their retail stores. Apple targets those two area because they appeal to the lifestyles of those living at the locations. Our generations X and Y have been heavily expose to the internet using computers for a wide variety of reasons (research, Audio, etc). Apple offers unique and innovating computer device with great quality at and reasonably affordable price. Top of the line and innovating products is what most appeal to the youth and middle age residents of New York and California. Not to mention these States can be consider the most popular and profitable, where something of high value and quality can surely be purchase with little resistances. The segmentation strategy Apple applied in their market strategy prove to been beneficial and a success for the Superior Computer Company better known as Apple.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Marketing Communications

         The whole concept behind "Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)" is to maximize the impact a company has on consumers. Apple has done an exceptional job using components from IMC and the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) concept to achieve and maintain long-term customer relationship with their consumers while driving Apple brand value.

          Apple uses promotional and advertising tools to capture the attention, interest, and desire of the consumer. Apple capture our attention and interest through innovating and sleek imagery of their products on Apple's official website as well as keynotes and other publication. For example, just prior to the highly anticipated IPhone 4S being release, it received a tremendous amount of publicity that captured many potential customers attention.

          Our interest and desire is fullfilled by the "new features" on the IPhone 4S that is appealing to our needs and wants. For example, features such as the personal intelligent assistant (SIRI), the faster dual core chip, and eight megapixel camera can be very influencial and drive consumers to buy the new phone.

          Getting the consumer to take action and purchase your offering is something Apple does a great job at. According to "Forbes," the iPhone 4s sold over four million units during its opening weekend. The earning was more than the prior high anticipated IPad 2 sales an another knotch on Apple's Belt of Excellence.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Iphone Product Concepts

           Apple's Product Concept is one that's unique and innovating. There is a general saying that consumer will favor those product that offer quality, performance, or innovative feature. If you consider the comparison between a "computer" versus a "Mac" from Apple, there is practically no competition. With that said, one can tell that Apple puts forth enormous effort in their strategy, advertisement, and product to attain the "category of its own" title. Even though Apple's products are consider a "shopping product" because of the pricing compared to "convenience products," the image is portrayed by Apple, innovating and sleek design, and the popularity of the products give Apple's products the luxury to be called specialty product. Just the perception of Apple products that consumer have alone help us see the Product Concept form by Apple to be pure genius. Every consumer that has a products from Apple can tell you how much it means to them and how "cool" they think their product is. This thought or opinion can be form by Apple's Product concept as well as the performance Apple display to their consumers.
            Products are the basis to make a business. The general concept of products determine the financial status of how successful your business can be. There are different types of product concepts such as business products which are goods that service customers while showing a businesses purpose. Then You have consumer products which best describe Apple, their consumer products are made to satisfy customers needs and or wants. For example, the iPhone, iPod and MacBook are all made for personal use. Consumer products, in my opinion, seem to be those of most value when it comes to consumer decision making. Most consumers react before they think when it comes to purchases, if an item seems like a good deal or if the customers makes him or herself believe they need it, the chances are they're more likely to purchase. This type of customer is known to the marketing force as an "impulsive shopper". 
            When apple came out with their latest device the ipad that product in itself is looked upon as a specialty product because no other company sells an item like this. This also gives apple the upperhand on selling the most innovative and upcoming products in technology. This reason alone is why Apple is more successful than any other company selling up and coming technology related devices. 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Sales Promotions and Personal Selling

Sale promotion are typically used by marketing managers as a tactical tool in order to increase sales and give consumers an incentive to buy the company's products. Unfortunately, consumers of Apple's products are not offered many promotions. Being the huge successful corporation Apple is, they do not need to offer many sales promotion because of their exception record-breaking sales achieved every year.

         With that said, there are some sales promotion offered by Apple. During this time, Apple offers an one hundred dollars mail and rebate on a printer when you purchase a Mac computer, as well as thirty dollars off MobileMe and iWork softwares. Another more famous sale promotion by Apple is the "Buy a Mac and get a free iPod Touch" offer. The offer name speaks for itself and you can find this sale promotion during the spring to fall period. One sale promotion that is offered all year round is the educational discount. This is a "one hundred dollars off" Mac computer discount that is available for only students and faculty and can be consider a tactic by Apple to establish a long term relationship with consumers.

When speaking of personal selling in Apple, it is crucial to mention the impact of Apple's sale personnel (employees). They are there to help finalize the sales as well as to inform consumers about the Apple product they are inquiring about in a attempt to create a long-term relationship with consumers so they can become loyal Apple customers.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Apple Inc-Advertising, Public Relations, and Sales Promotion

Apple Company is counted among top ten innovative companies in USA. It is a branded company and is highly praised among all ages and races. The two main aspects that contribute to Apple Inc’s success are the quality of product and the local advertising, sales promotion, and the
public relations.  

Apple Company advertises aggressively and is shows their products down consumer’s throat, they put a lot of thought, effort, and time, not to mention money into ad and publicity campaigns. The advertisement of few minutes captures the attention of its target markets. It affects consumer’s daily lives, inform them about new products and services.  As the ad for iphone 5C (attached above) shows the featured new phone, various themes, the colorful image of the new phone, and most importantly involves all the different ages and races to convey the message that Apple tends to sale the product to everyone including all ages and races. 

Apple Company uses two major types of advertising, which is: The institutional advertising and product advertising. Institutional Advertising- Apple Inc. uses institutional type of advertising to promote the corporation as a whole and its design, to maintain the company’s identity. As compare to the first commercial of Apple Inc that took place in the Super Bowl in 1984. It showed the Apple Company as in black and white color theme but promoted a unique idea “ THINK DIFFERENT”.

Now, in 2013 the Apple Company changed its identity, became a brand, competitive company, and highly recommended company this all happened due to the strategy of institutional advertising. Now, Apple Company has a colorful image.
The other type of advertising is the Product advertising. Unlike the institutional advertising, Apple Inc. also promotes the benefits of the new product invented and also those advertisements appeal to show the new features, quality, design, style, and advantage of better capacity as compare to old products and other competitive brands.

            After this huge comparison shown in the video clips, it can be said and easily agreed on that Apple products are beautiful, elegant, precise, and they are everywhere. Apple Inc does this through the advertising, which is done through every possible aspect to connect with the public and to introduce them to the upcoming new products. 

Apple spent about $200 billion on advertising of iphone 5C only. Apple advertise through television, internet, radio, billboards, posters, social networking websites( facebook, twitter), commercials, magazines, newspapers and many more ways. Every single advertising help the Apple brand create better public relations and attract more customers.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Apple Inc-Retailing

Last week we discussed the global vision of Apple Inc, today we are going to talk about the retailing.
Introduction:Apple Inc, is an American multinational company that manufactures, designs, markets and retails consumer electronics, appliances and personal computers. Entered the retail industry in 2001-First retail outlets set  in VirginIa and California. To date, Apple retail industry has more than 300 outlets worldwide.

  • The Service Marketing Service Mix is an expansion of the 4PS. In the marketing mix which includes People, Physical evidence and Processes.(Kutler,2000)-In order to succeed in retail, Apple cannot rely on the 4PS of alone.Top quality service requires consideration and research on the additional Ps of the service marketing mix-Apple has effectively executed strategies based on the service.

    • All human actors that play a part in the service delivery including customers and employees. (Boom and Bitner,1981) Apple trains its retail staff to be customer oriented and are passionate fans of its products. The physical surroundings where the service is delivered and customers and employees interact. (Boom and Bitner,1981) Apple stores interior incorporate an open, clean and spacious concept.The operations, procedures, mechanisms and flow of activities where the service is delivered. It is also known as service delivery and operating systems. (Boom and Bitner,1981)Apple incorporates a standardize training operation for all retail staff and paid close attention to the flow of experience while designing its stores.

    • Out of all the service marketing mixes, Apple ‘s strength lies in thePeople element.•Retailers regardless of industry will eventually evolve their recruitment methods and instil the values of good customer service to its retail staff as Apple has done.•Retail industries will now have to rethink of ways to improve on the flow of customer experiences which would mean a paradigm shift in processes and standard operating features and inclusion of new technology.

    Apple's Retail Secrets:

      • Just as Apple had to “Think different.” about retail, every retailer should rethink the purpose of their stores and focus on the experience a new customer has during the shopping process. Apple changed their layout considerably before they even opened their rst store and continue constantly tweaking their store environments to this day. Every retailer should be proactive in learning what works and what doesn’t work and optimize the retail experience accordingly.
      • Apple does not just sell products in its stores, rather it provides a rst class retail experience that delights shoppers and visitors alike. Any retailer should apply the secret of personal delight to make its visitors feel appreciated, its employees motivated, and its customers connected to something more special than a purchase transaction.
      • Apple empowers its store’s visitors by letting them touch everything, try anything, and stay as long as they like. Apple also invested in self-service tools to empower customers to schedule their own appointments and to purchase products online and in-store. Retailers should provide similar tools to allow customers to control their shopping experience while giving them a reassuring feeling of control.
      • Apple believes the purpose of their stores is to enrich the lives of their customers. Retailers should take
        this important cue from Apple and ensure their staff is not focused on just selling products, but intent on building relationships and making people’s lives better.
      • Apple goes beyond the ordinary to make their products and their stores feel special. Retailers should consider ways to do more than necessary to surprise and delight their customers. Customers will react positively to stores that makes them feel that people who work there are encouraged and empowered by their employers to go one step further to ensure customer happiness and satisfaction. 

      Monday, October 31, 2016


       Apple Inc. is an innovative company that manufactures the products with promoting styles, durability, effective features, and easy to handle. As I read the chapter 6, I learned the term that explains consumer decision-making process, consumer behavior.

      Apple Inc. is a premium brand company, which is recognized in the world. Its new products like iphone 5C, 5S are sold on retail price in many developed countries. Apple Company has an advantage of the quality and brand’s name over its competitors. Apple Inc. is ranked as one of the top technological company not only in US but also all over the world. When it comes to purchasing the Apple products, consumers are driven by social factors, cultural factors, and individual factors. Even though the products are bit expensive but people still balance to purchase them. 

      Particularly, when buying the expensive products consumers generally follow the consumer decision-making process. I recently, purchased a new and first cell-phone in my life. During that time period I figured that I followed all the aspects of the process.
      1. Need Recognition- To stay in touch with my family and for calling purposes.
      2. Information Search- iPhones are sold widely around the countries and same like with galaxy. To research which is more advanced and worth buying.
      3. Evaluation of alternatives and Purchase- Both of the cell-phones iPhones and galaxy are new-featured, sold at high prices but due to new software IOS 7 took advantage over the galaxy.
      4. Post-purchase behavior- iPhones always satisfies its consumers. Just like for me as a consumer I expected few outcomes from iPhone ,which it fulfilled. I wanted to have an option to text in my language other than ENGLISH. Where after my research I found out that galaxy doesn’t allow to text in certain language.

      The external stimulus of the consumers like me comes from a wide range of factors such as the continuous innovation of the products. And to promote these productions, Apple advertise through all possible ways like from commercials, billboards, magazines, social media like Facebook, twitter, youtube and many more. This advertising performs as a factor to spread the word around before the product is even launched. This forces the consumers to make the decision to purchase the new product from Apple Inc.

      Monday, October 3, 2016

      Developing a Global Vision

      Apple Inc and Globalization

      • Business Strategies 
      A firm can use two basic types of business strategies to leverage its business by utilizing its strengths and combing them with the number of available positions to market its products. These business strategies are cost leadership strategy and differentiation strategy. 

      Apple is currently working on the differentiation strategy by putting unique elements in the design and development of its products The differentiation strategy is defined as a strategy that aims to develop the products and or services that have unique characteristics that are well liked by the customers and are valued by them. This strategy enhances the market position of the companies with respect to their counterparts (Porter, 1998)

      Apple Inc. strives hard to provide excellent usage experience to its customers by offering innovative products in terms of hardware, software products as well as other offerings. The company is using its ability to design unique products and operating systems etc. with its integrated business units and design units. The success of the company in the global markets is due to its extensive focus on the  the market research and development for the development of its products and services. With reference to its business strategy, the company is in a continues process to build and advance the robust platform that can enhance the listing of third party content like mobile phone apps, games etc on its online stores or its iTunes store (Apple Inc.,2010).

      Moreover, the company strategies also involve the expansion of its distribution network in order to improve its global reach by providing high quality products and services with after sales services to their customers. Therefore, the company is positioned uniquely in the markets to offer superior and integrated digital technologies and productivity solutions. 
      • Markets and Distributions
      The customer segments of the company are divided into various categories. The needs of the main customers markets it caters are of small and medium businesses, education sectors,large corporations, government departments and other related markets. In order to meet the needs and wants of these consumer markets, the company is utilizing direct and indirect distribution channels including online sales  services, retail stores and direct sales force as well as third party sellers, retailers etc. Using direct sales contacts with the customers is, believed by the company,leveraging its product sales and has demonstrated as an advantage to the company over its competitors. In order to maximize its sales and to make sure that the buyers are receiving high quality experience, the company is in a process.
      •  Outsourcing Plants
      It has built its integrated manufacturing and design facilities in the various countries for example in California, Singapore etc. This global network allows the company to develop and launch the products in its markets of America, Asia and Europe. It produces its products, for example ipads, in the Shanghai, China which has given it a cost saving advantage and lead to the increased profitability for the company (Chaffin, 2002). But on the other hand, this outsourcing has increased the downsizing and unemployment rate in the home country (Rodriguez-Clare,2011)

      1.Apple Inc. lags only in its outsourcing associations with the other companies at different countries of the world. In order to improve the outsourcing practices ethically, Apple can strictly ask its outsourcing partners to comply with the ethical rules, and regulations.
      2.It can hire the team of internal auditors to conduct surprise visits in these outsourcing units to check out their operative practices. 
      3.The company can also enter into a contract with these outsourcing units that if theyfound guilty, the company will immediately terminate the working contracts. 

      Monday, September 26, 2016

      The Marketing Environment

      Today I am going to discuss what is the target market of Apple Inc and what is their competitor. 
      Apple Inc's target market involves teenagers, college and university students, business people and adults.

      1. Teenagers: iPods and iPhones are really popular among teenagers and reasons for using iPods and iPhones are to socialize with friends, listen to music and go on Facebook, MSN, twitter etc. There are also many gaming apps that appeal to them.
      2. College and University Students: they are also targeted by apple inc. These students use Apple Inc. products such as iPad's, Macbook's, iPhone's etc to quickly record notes. These notes are kept organized in their devices. Also these products are light which makes carrying devices to and from school much easier.
      3. Business people are very intrigued by Apple products. Apple devices (iPhone, ipad, Macbook etc) have a business quality that is very useful. These devices are used to finish work efficiently and to communicate with clients easily. In addition, sending documents is easy and organized.
      4. Adults are also one of Apple Inc.' s target markets. iPhone is useful to adults for their everyday needs such as phone calls, map directions, internet connection, documents and cameras. Carrying these small devices makes adults lives much easier and largely save their time. 
      The world of smartphones is a faster growing industry that sees a new gadget to be launched every year. As seen prominently, Apple's iPhone series is branded to be the ultimate competition. Nokia, Samsung, Sony, HTC to name a few, is nevertheless jumping up to score a point for themselves as well. Apart from these well known competitors, the new entrants like xiaomi, Gionee and OnePlus are capable of giving stiff competitors to California, Cupertino based on tech giant. And as far as I am concerned, Samsung will be the greatest competitor.
      Samsung is a South Korean mulinational conglomerate company headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul. Samsung Mobile continue to drive the smartphone market by setting a new standard for large-screen devices. The Galaxy Note7 strikes a balance between work and pay, enabling people to achieve more than what they thought possible on a smartphone. And we can see sizes of Samsung is bigger and bigger. What's more, it seems that iPhone is chasing after Samsung-comparing with 4,4s,5, iPhone becomes bigger now, like 6plus, 7plus. Samsung Galaxy S6 created with the most advanced hardware and software. Samsung Galaxy S6's performance is touted to be the  best, in spite of the stiff competition, internal hardware include:
      • 3GB RAM
      • Snapdragon Qualcomm 810 64-bit
      • Exynos 8000 16-core processor with ARM Mail-T760 GPU
      Comparing to the number of customers buying iPhones in the past few years when new iPhone comes out,  the number of iPhone 7 and 7 plus' buyers seem to have decreased. Does that mean iPhone lose its competition, or people do not love it anymore? No, apple just need to focus on what people are expecting for new iPhones and do not chase after other smartphones.

      Monday, September 19, 2016

      Social Media and Marketing

      Hi, everyone, today I am going to talk about social media of Apple Inc. As for me, every brands need to be active on every major social network, because it is an effective way to assist the product sales. 
      However, we do know in those past years, we could not even find Apple company on Facebook or Twitter. "Apple would be a terrible example to follow on social for most brands," says David Berkowitz, CMO creative and technology." When Apple embraces platforms like Twitter, it can amass a huge audiences with relatively little effort. Cook, for example, has collected 1.44 million followers since joining Twitter two years ago, the App store is approaching 4 million, iTunes has 806,000.

      Recently, tech giant Apple quietly opened the Apple Support the Twitter account. The channel, simply called "@AppleSupport" will share tips and tricks for Apple users as well as answer product and support questions. 
      “Tips and tutorials from the same Apple Advisors you know and trust-now available on Twitter,"tweeted the account. At first, the account has already accumulated more than 121,000 followers. Apple is also keeping its promise to use the account to help   people:@AppleSupport has tweeted 2,200 times to Twitter users who have reached out with questions.
      So why is Apple suddenly putting more resources into its social media presence? 
      some have theorized  that move is a way for Apple to expand its public profile.There’s also some wishful thinking that it’s a sign of Apple’s interest in acquiring Twitter. But those speculations are probably just that—speculations.
      This reminds of me of today's class. One of my classmate who also chose Apple as his blog material said there was no social media for Apple company. Hearing this at that moment, I had no idea if he was right or no, but now, I have to say Apple does social media differently than its peers.

      Wednesday, September 7, 2016

      Apple Inc: Their Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage

      Hi, guys, today is an exciting day for most of people, because iphone7 and 7plus came out. Every new iphone coming into the market means an improvement for Apple Inc. However, in this ever-changing market, how do businesses make them competitive? Here, I am going to share my point on Apple Inc's strategic planning for competitive advantage.

      In class, I learned that there are four competing philosophies:
      1. Production Orientation
      2. Sales Orientation
      3. Market Orientation
      4. Societal Marketing Orientation
      As far as I am concerned, Apple Inc is using production orientation and market orientation to improve their competing advantage. Let's take iphone for an example. Compared to previous iphones (4,4s,5,5s,6,6plus), iphone7 and 7plus's features are as follow:
      • Size and feel: 4.7-inch screen. The "HD Retina display" is 25 percent brighter than last year's model. It includes the pressure-sensitive 3D Touch layer that buzzes slightly when you press and hold the screen.  
      • Water-resistant: It will be water-resistant (IP67), like several Samsung and Sony phones (IP68)
      • No headphone jack: It's gone. Really. Instead, Apple's new EarPods headphones will connect through the Lightning connector port; you'll also get an adaptor in the box. Apple's also pushing new, funky-looking AirPods headset connects wirelessly through auto-pairing. These worked pretty well, actually, and sounded pretty good in a the loud demo room.
      • New camera: The iPhone 7 keeps the 12-megapixel camera; The iPhone 7 Plus gets a second, 56mm telephoto lens on the back that works like a built-in zoom feature. Phones like the LG V20, Huawei P9 and Huawei Honor 8.
      • New front-facing camera: The iPhone 7's 7-megapixel front-facing camera leaps up from 5 megapixels on the iPhone 6s, and includes auto-image stabilization. I think every likes this feature. It is good for taking selfie.
      • Stereo speakers:  A second speaker joins the iPhone to give you stereo speakers. There's now one at the bottom and one at the top (this is brand-new for Apple). 
      • Longer battery life: Greater battery capacity for longer battery life. Apple estimates 12 hours of LTE browsing (the iPhone 7 Plus should clock about two more hours).
      • Faster processor: The iPhone 7's new A10 Fusion chip is a 64-bit, quad-core processor that Apple says is 40 percent faster than last year's A9 processor. Two cores are high-performance, the other two are "high efficiency," which means they'll conserve battery while handling tasks. 
      • More storage!: 128GB, 256GB capacities.
      • Colors: Glossy jet black, matte black, gold, silver, rose gold (P.S.: New jet black is only available in 128GB and 256GB models.)
      All these features are stepping further to satisfy customer's needs and interests. Even though there is no any force Apple Inc made to push customers to buy, iPhone has been attracting lots of iPhone lovers with its exterior and functions.

      As for market orientation, we all know that Apple Inc serves worldwide. Different markets in different countries contribute to the tendency of popularity of iPhone in the world. People in the past buying iPhone may largely depend on how much they like it, but now, using iPhone seems to become a part of people's life, so people buy it without any reason. For example, when it's time to change my phone, the first word coming into my mind is iPhone.

      Sunday, September 4, 2016

      Introduction & Overview of Marketing

      Hi, everyone, what does it remind you of when you see this picture, Yes, Apple Inc. Today, I would like to talk about Apple Inc.

      Apple Inc was a multinational technology company, headquartered in Cupertino,California,US and founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne on April 1, 1976. It is known to us that Apple Inc served worldwide. It designs, develops and sells consumer electronic, consumer software and online services.
      • Its hardware products include the iphone, smartphone, the iPad tablet computer, the Mac personal computer, the iPod portable media player, the Apple Watch smartwatch and  the Apple TV digital media player.
      • Apple's consumer software includes the OS X and iOS operating systems, the iTunes media player, the Safari web browser and iLife and iWork creativity and productivity suits.   
      • Its online services include the iTunes Store, the iOS App Store and Mac App Store and iCloud.
         iPod line as of 2014. From left to right:
        iPod Shuffle, iPod Nano, iPod Touch

      Beyond Consumer ELectronic, Consumer Software and Online Services
      Apple is the world's largest information technology company by revenue; the world's largest company by total assets, and the world's second-largest mobile manufacturer. In November 2014, in addition to being the largest publicly traded corporation in the world by market capitalization, Apple became the first to be valued at over US$700 billion. 

      Apple Today
      Honestly, I am not a apple lover, but I have been using iphone since iphone 4 came out. After that, whenever the new style iphone comes out, I will change to an another one. What I want to say is that Apple's prevailing represents not only people's love, but also a tendency-it is influencing the world market. When I search online, it shows this sentence:" At Apple, employees are specialists who are not exposed to functions outside their area of expertise. Jobs saw this as a means of having "best-in-class" employees in every role." Perfection is a journey, not a destination. It is like the logo of Apple Inc-a bitten apple. Every role in Apple is not perfect, but they are all racing with perfection.